
BPS Legal Joins Dentons’ Nextlaw Referral Network

BPS Legal Joins Dentons’ Nextlaw Referral Network

With more than 750 member firms and 36,000 lawyers across 200+ countries, Nextlaw Referral Network[1] is considered the largest legal referral network in the world. Created by Dentons the network employs a detailed screening system to guarantee the quality of its member firms and has developed proprietary technology to allow members to identify lawyers, legal counsels and advisers at other member firms with jurisdiction-specific appropriate experience where clients need personalised consultancy.

[1] See here for more information:

Obergrundstrasse 70
CH-6003 Luzern

CH-6300 Zug

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Obergrundstrasse 70
CH-6003 Luzern

CH-6300 Zug